questions and answers

this is something that was going to be part of my "endless" series, I wrote two summers ago, but I just hated the overall cheesiness in it. So I decided to scrap it. But then, the endless, my real legit series that I'll write some day, will include these characters. Toned down by a lot. The only reason this is a page is because this is the longest out of most of my stories.

Chapter 1
Q: What’s the worse that can happen when you leave?

“I can’t believe it, I’m finally going to Camp Bridgewood!” I almost fell out of my chair when my parents told me this news.
          “For 2 months, but you are going to have to stay at Aunt Celia’s for 2 weeks, and we might miss Aunt Bella’s party,” My mom reminded me.
          “I can’t wait to tell all my friends!” I waited impatiently for the elevator. I lived in such a huge place you could barely imagine something so big. The elevator finally came. I pushed the fourth floor button. I basically raced to my computer almost knocking down a maid.

To: Alexia Wellers
Subject: u will never believe this!
Date: June 11, 2009 1:35 PM
Guess what!!! I am totally booked this summer, sry but we might not get to do our S3 special summer sleepovers. I’m finally going to bridgewood camp! Then I’m visiting my aunt Celia in Texas. I’m leaving in tomorrow so keep in touch. & could you forward this 2 every1? I’m in a bit of a rush trying to get everything together.

From: Rebecca Summers
Subject: RE: u will nevr believe this!
Date: June 11, 2009 2:17 PM
NEways is this perfect or what? Cuz I’m going 2… drum roll please! Family vaca 2 california! 2 KEWL!!!!!!! But im leaving in 3 days. Ill miss u. have fun. and I forwarded already.

I turned on my webcam. The recording screen popped up. I hit the record button.

“Hey it’s Becca and I’m not going to be able to post on my account for a while because I’m finally going to Camp Bridgewood. So I’m just doing this quick update before I leave. Peace and have a great summer!”
I went on youtube to post the video barely 15 second video.

Username: OfficialBeccaSum
Password: **********

I posted the video and then my mother came up to tell me to start packing. Camp Bridgewood was a something different from a real camp. It just has a lot of luxuries. Like our own hotel room to live in, wireless internet, electronics, fancy food. And then we would leave the place and get a real camping experience, or as you would call it a partial camping experience. I went through my password locked double doors to my closet. I pulled down suitcases, and a million essentials. I think I tore down my entire closet by the time I was done. Or a tornado had gone through it. It was not a pretty sight. I grabbed my lime green iPod and scrolled down to my favorite song. I plugged it into the speaker and Selena Gomez’s Magical filled the room.

          “Turn that down!” My little sister Claire complained.
          “This is my floor! Go back to yours,” I spat back at her.
          “No it isn’t, if it was your floor it wouldn’t be called the fourth floor, it would be called Rebecca’s Floor! Duh! I mean you should probably get a brain,”
          “Oh that’s really smart coming from someone who’s spending their summer in summer school because they failed in English and Grammar because they thought a synonym was an easy to spell word, Florida’s History since your said Christopher Columbus discovered Florida, and,”
          “Okay, I get the point I mean Florida was discovered by someone from Russia,”
          “I’m not that smart, I mean how was I supposed to know Barcelona Spain discovered Florida?”
          “Juan Ponce De Leon, Barcelona is a city in Spain,”
          “Oh, Well I’m still prettier than you,”
          “Not a chance,”
          “Uh-Huh- that’s what you think. I think you should probably just, ugh, you are so mean,”
          “Right back at you,” I turned back to my dell laptop and clicked on Alexia’s Username.
She had a new video up.
          Never Say I Didn’t have it coming.
          I hit play and Alexia’s video intro was bursting with colors and Ariel Moore’s, song, Flip the Frequency.
“I’m going to California for the summer. My Bffs I know you’re watching this probably so I just want to say that I’m sorry I didn’t e-mail you about the news first because I just wanted to let everyone know that the reason I’m going to Cali is because I got a role on Wizards of Waverly Place, I thought I should give you a few deets on my character Tillie Hanson. She’s a wizard who happens to be Alex, Justin, and Max’s cousin but they don’t realize that she’s trying to manipulate their family. I’m sorry but those are all the deets I can reveal to you. But I read the script for season 4 and it is amazing. My character comes in at the second episode called Tillie the Wizard? So I just wanted to give you this quick update. And btw I want to thank you for all of the subscribers and all of my followers on twitter. Go to my twitter on,” She gestured to another annotation with a link. “And e-mail me at” She again pointed to an annotation. Thanks for watching. Peace, Love and It’s 100% Alexia”
          I screamed. I was so happy for Lexi. I ran down the hall. And my older brother Jared collided with me. I guess I forgot the maid just mopped it. And my floor is actually a giant whiteboard and I can write on top it with an Expo marker.
          “Watch it, Becca,” He said getting off the floor and brushing dust off his jeans.
          “Sorry, what are you doing on my floor?” I asked curiously accepting his hand as he pulled me up.
          “Technically this isn’t your floor, this is barely a floor this is a whiteboard,”
          “For the thousandth billionth time this is my floor, whiteboard,”
          “No why would you own the floor?”
          “I meant the whole floor as in this level or, whatever, just this floor,”
          “You get to defensive about your floor too much,”
          “Well, I am going to miss it. Didn’t mom tell you? I’m going to Camp Bridgewood tomorrow.  And I thought you were flying to Richmond today to attend your help Loss group or I am a tree hugger group?”
          “If you must have the least bit concern it is the Loss and the Opposing of Scarceness of EndangeRed Species!”  
          “Don’t you mean LOSERS, Loser? Get it? But that’s a stupid title, who even came up with that?”
          “Melody! I think it sounds pretty, um, good,”
        “Tell that to someone who actually cares!”
          Jared picked up a red expo marker from a shelf on the wall. He wrote in a ridiculously neat cursive

If you must get so much into my business please tell that to someone who cares. And lay off all the chocolate. It’s making you crazy.

          “I do not eat too much chocolate. I like pixy stixs now,”
          “Uh-huh right and what about…………,” He started recalling all the times I had a major sugar rush and how I got all crazy on people.


Alexia sat on her bed flipping through the page of her script.

(Tillie appears in the lair holding her wand out as if prepared to cast a spell.)
-Tillie’s smirking as if she is over-confident
-Alex appears shocked

Who are you and what are you doing here?
Hello, Alexandra Margarita Russo
It’s Alex, Alex Russo and you are?
Tillianna Mariana Russo
Tillianna, that still doesn’t explain why you’re here and lower your wand. It’s creeping me out.
Well you see, Since I am your cousin I should be allowed to visit right? And my name is Tillie, with an e.
I’ve never heard of you. Let me go check our family tree. Who are your parents?
Deletus rememburus gone from thought that where you aren’t take Alex into this cup.
Hey let me out. Ooh I look good.
Tillie stashes the cup into her suitcase as Jerry walks in
Tillianna, what are you doing here? Are Ileana and Alejandro all right?
Oh, um mom is on vacation so I thought I’d just stay with you.
That’s great. Alex has been dying to meet you. Let’s go to the sub shop and I’ll fix you a sandwich, I’m sure Teresa would love to talk to you. And I don’t think you’ve met Max yet. It’s been ages.
Yes, Ages Jerry, ages, do you mind telling me where Alex’s room is? I am guess she is there and I’d love to meet her.
I’ll take you there.
 No it’s okay. I think it’ll be important for me to navigate around here if I’m going to be staying here. And I need to use the bathroom. I need to flush something down the toilet.


“Trini, don’t you think it’s a little drastic? Everyone’s leaving or super busy like you, and Alexia seems a little, uptight,” Serena said twirling the cord on her phone.
“Rena, it’s only Lexia, it’s not like she’s going to abandon us. We have a constitution and amendments. She’s going to follow them or be kicked out,”
“I know but everything’s changing. We’re all going to middle school in the fall. I’m just. I don’t’ know. Tiffany keeps saying I’m over acting. It’s hard. My parents are getting divorced,”
“Really. I’m so sorry you need cheering up. I could hold a’ Best Friend Sympathy Group BFSG?”
“Thanks Trinity, you are the best FBFF ever, we could do it online, could you call the other girls to set up a time in our chatroom?”
“You don know what you just said was Florida’s Best Friends Forever Ever?”
“Same old Trini,”
“And same old Serena.”
I laughed Trini could cheer people up whenever they needed some humor in life.
 “Bye, I have to go, I’ll e-mail you, about the BFSG,” And with that response from Trini I heard a click. The second I did that my 15 year old sister Melody walked in with her iPod nano and the sound turned up all the way up. She walked over to my plush sky blue bean bag and sat down. Her hands over her face shaking her head.
“Is there something louder that this, other than our parents and by parents I mean mom?” Melody asked taking out one ear bud to hear my response. But getting the total opposite.
“Oh, you know better that this, that is ridiculous Brandon, you and your excuses. I’m done with that. I need to see who has custody of the kids,” My mother screamed on the top of her lungs. I was pretty sure my father was deaf.
“Uh-no but I wish I got sound proof walls,” I responded plugging an earplug into my right ear.
“Who doesn’t. At this rate I’m sure I’ll be deaf in 3 seconds,” Melody said rolling her eyes and playing with her iPod.
“And that is not my fault. Get a better lawyer. We are innocent until proven guilty Matilda,” My dad roared back at my mom.
“Oh-No do you want to ditch this place and go to Pizza Hut. I’ll call Jared and see if he and Rebecca wants to come. It’s her last night here so I expect she’ll want to be around some friends,” Melody asked me. I groaned and put in my other ear plug.
“Why Jared, Why can’t you call Rebecca huh? Is it because you like him?” I teased.
My sister turned into unknown shades of pink and red, before saying, “Maybe, Yes, No, I don’t know, why do you care! Yeah um, I think I’ll go call him right now,” She responded still blushing. “And open your closet,”
“What’s wrong with my outfit I asked before I hit the remote to open my closet.
“Nothing, I need some cute accessories and I swear I will not go out into the halls. And I need to look cute. Where are the bangles you bought from Claire’s? I also need a scarf and maybe ---,” She droned on for a few more minutes before taking out her cellphone and walking into my closet.
This was going to be a while. I turned on my Mac desktop computer and went into I looked at my Contacts and pressed the BFF tab. 

Serena Vanderbilt (relolcitybe56)
Status Message: guess who’s life it falling apart to little pieces? mines. so unfair LKL

 Status             BFF

ONLINE Danielle Brown(Darldanel)
ONLINE Tiffany Talen (ttiffdelicateit)
OFFLINE Rebecca Summers (imbeccsume3xx)
OFFLINE Trinity Evadson (Moretrinivad34)
OFFLINE Stephanie Rodriguez (stehphrodrixo0) 

OFFLINE Brianna Dalton (breeshopspre)

OFFLINE Courtney Larkin (ocourtnballo)
OFFLINE Alexia Willson (3willxistaring3)

I started a chat with Danielle and Tiffany

Chatroom: I’m a FBBF (Private)
Only those invited by Serena Vanderbilt (relolcitybe56) has access.

Darldanel: suppp
ttiffdelicateit: Nothing u?
relolcitybe56: jelody. Or mared. Melody <3 Jared; jared <3 melody. Stuck w/ them 4 pizza w/ becca 2nite. Melly is ripping through my closet.
Darldanel: mel and jar won’t admit feelings L 
ttiffdelicateit: i know. take ur iphone and do vids 4 us. puh-leeze? pwetty pwease??
relolcitybe56: k k k tiff.
Darldanel: u were awol 4 a while on chat this week.
relolcitybe56: parents = divorcing
ttiffdelicateit: really?
relolcitybe56: well thats great. no ones gving be bfc
Darldanel: sry we were getting to the best friend comfort rena.
ttiffdelicateit: wat r bffs 4
Darldanel: ne ways we’re getting of topic. sry but we kinda knew they were going to divorce in about a month..,……
relolcitybe56: wat happened to all the bfc I was supposed to get?
ttiffdelicateit:  sry again. I mean it must be really hard on you rite???? it prob is.
relolcitybe56: finally some1 who takes pity one me. J ur the best tiff
Darldanel: Wat about me???
relolcitybe56: u 2
ttiffdelicateit: uggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh guess wat??????????? I really h8 savannah sometimes. my little sister the brat is sick and I have to baby sit her. rite now L L L L L L
relolcitybe56: so unfair we barely started talking.
ttiffdelicateit: g2g lock up my room. I do not want her to sneeze on my stuff. gotta find my key. xoxo tiffany
Darldanel: c ya, and I just check the all contacts tab list. apparently while in ur closet melly changed her status to:  I think it’s complicated how pizza and soda are perfect like…………. but it just is.
ttiffdellicateit: ommmmmmmmgggggggggg. really g2g now. I think I hear savvy.
ttiffdelicateit has signed out.
relolcitybe56: Just peered into my  closet. It’s a mess. I’m afraid to go in to look even further,
Darldanel: :o yikes.
relolcitybe56: uh-uh
Darldanel: I feel so bad 4 u.
relolcitybe56: ugh melody’s done. dooooooooooom. idk what I’ll do U can’t wait for my mother to yell @ me. I’ll blame it  on melly. Let me c if I can find a fingerprint duster. g2g xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox and wish me luck dani
Darldanel: k goooooooood luuckkkkk
relolcitybe56: I am so J that becca’s coming- I hope.
relolcitybe56 has signed out.

I suddenly received an IM from Becca

Bsummerplz24: it’s becca. jar was so happy wen melly called. claire isn’t coming J and I wouldn’t have come but I can’t think of you being stuck there so that’s what a bff does. and I heard about the divorce. as ur bff I am performing my bfc duties as stated in amendment II.  g2g, we’re walking over so jar can have a romantic night stroll w/ mel J *snicker* I’m evil. g2g becca
Bsummerplz24 has signed out.

          I sighed. At least Becca was coming.
          “Hello, come on I already called mom and told her, let’s go!” She said in a super annoyed tone.
We walked used the escalator and there Jared was waiting looking dreamily with Rebecca who looked like she was about to burst out laughing, and Melody was standing there a little awestruck.
“So, lets go,” I said getting a little disgusted of the scene.
Melody walked with Jared and they plunged into a deep conversation about saving pandas and koalas.
“Rebecca I’m so going to miss you so much, where all going to be torn apart this summer. Sort of like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Bree’s in Arizona visiting her grandmother, and Lexi’s in LA becoming a star, Steph’s in Mexico having a fun vacation, Court’s at basketball camp,  and tomorrow you’re going to be going to Camp BW. I’ll be all alone because Dani’s always busy because she’s helping take care of her sick grandmother while her parents are trying to get everything in order with all the doctor appointments and work, and the only time I get to talk to her is online through e-mail and IMing, Tiff’s having the time of her life in England, Then Trini’s spending all her time with her tutor because she got a low grade in her State Math Test, and I’m all alone,” I blurted out barely taking a single breath as I pronounced each syllable with sadness.
“Okay, I have a few ideas for my Best Friend Forever In Need. Number One, Take a deep breath and calm down. Number Two I thought your application to Camp Bridgewood got in? You know you don’t have to mail the form back! All you have to do is give the consent from to the person at the airport and they’ll give you your airplane ticket. Number Three, Why don’t you come to CBW to me? I’ll be alone also,”
“Becca you are my life saver, I totally forgot about the acceptance. I’ll as my parents, they’re bound to say yes, and I’ll pack tonight! You are the Best Friend Forever In Need Helper!” I responded the first time I was ever this happy over the summer.
“And if your parents say yes you could sleepover at my place! Because I’m sure you can’t live through another round of arguing!”
“I’ll text my mom about it now!” I said yanking out my red sidekick from my purse.
I sent a quick text message to my mom, with her responding with a yes and to not procrastinate my packing.
“She said yes!” I exclaimed trying to hold in all my happiness and excitement.
“I’ll help you pack because I know how you get while packing,” She said opening the door and stepping inside Pizza Hut.
“No thanks, I don’t want a tornado in my closet. I already had a hurricane tonight. I don’t need another disaster!” I said laughing. Rebecca tried to suppress a huge fit of giggles. I pulled her into a booth on the left side of Melody and Jared’s. Then they left for the counter after Melody put my Chanel purse down.
“Let the love birds sit together and talk about LOSERS,” I said explaining about the seating arrangement, “And possibly trying not to disturb them while eavesdropping on them flirting,”
“Good plan,” She said with lots of approval in her tone, As she slid into the seat in front of me. We put our stuff down and walked over to the order counter.
“One small pepperoni pizza, with cheese in the crust, a Cesar salad and one small Pepsi, and one bottle of water. Oh and add some breadsticks, It’s dine in.” I said to the person at the counter, ordering for me and Rebecca.
“That’ll be $19.52,” the cashier told me. I took out a 20 dollar bill, 2 quarters and a nickel.
“Don’t bother with the pennies,” I said as I placed the money on the counter.
“Health Nut,” Rebecca murmured. “You always ask for the healthy alternatives in a fast food restaurant,”
I laughed and replied, “Who said you were having that pizza to yourself? Besides we’re going to pig out even more in the sleepover,”
“True,” Rebecca responded, “I hope we have at least three cartons of ice cream at home. I think Claire ate most of them,”
“Easy, on the sugar rush, Bec! I don’t want you to go all out on me,” I responded. Rebecca laughed and took our food off the counter.
We sat down and I dug for my phone in my purse. I walked over to a spinning chair and placed my tray there, Rebecca followed picking up our purses and putting them on the bar. I casually took out my phone and pretended to be using an app, I pressed record video. We ate while silently laughing at Melody and Jared’s attempts at flirting, but looking at the phone as a cover up for our unstoppable giggles. Somewhere around 8:00 we headed home, and Jared walked to the Summers Family’s gigantic property. Becca and I headed up to my room and went into the closet where I almost fainted at the mess Melody made.
“Okay, you were totally lying about it only being a hurricane. It’s like my closet’s tornado, and Hurricane Katrina and Andrew, with a large tsunami and the volcano under Yellowstone is buried in the middle of your closet and just erupted combined. Actually worse than that,” Rebecca told me in total amazement.
“You’re exaggerating,” I said to Rebecca. “Or not,” I corrected my self before checking my dressers.
“Let’s start packing because it’ll take a while,” She analyzed the mess again, and sighed shaking her head.

Chapter 2

A: Anything. Remember anything is possible if you just give some effort.


Mexico, I’m finally here!”
“Hola, I am Pablo,” A Mexican boy walked up to me with a sudden interest.
“Stephanie,” I responded hello
“I expect you are a tourist. Am I right?” He asked me in a slight accent.
“I used to live here, but I moved to America, what about you?”
“I live here with my grandparents, we own the ranch over there,”
“No, my grandparents own the ranch,”
“No, my grandparents are the owners,”
“It doesn’t make sense,”
“What’s your surname?”
 “So is mine,”
“Who are your parents,?”
“I was raised by Grandmother and Grandfather, they told me my parents abandoned me, all I know are their names. Sabrina Willick and José Rodriguez.”
“José’s my father’s name, does that mean we’re related?”
“It looks like it,”
I gasped. I felt like something was missing. Our father’s had the same name. But our mother’s didn’t. It didn’t fit. Or maybe it did.


“Yes, Grandma Ruth,” I said as I reached for her cup of tea. I loved Arizona. The beautiful deserts. The heat. Everything. It was a place where it felt like magic actually existed.
“Thank you dear,” She replied blowing on her tea to cool it down. “I know you aren’t used to a real small little home like this since you live in them big old mansions. But it’s quaint,”
“I’m actually happy about staying here. It’s been forever since I’ve had had a home cooked meal. I just miss my friends. A little homesick of the city. But here everything is so open and I can actually see the stars. It feels like home,”
“Uh-huh, what about all those e-mails you sent me? They all had the word drama in them?”
“Oh, Grandma, I wasn’t talking about the friend drama. I was talking about the drama my friends had. You know they are going through some tough times, and it’s a little hard on me seeing them all sad all the time,”
“Dear, when I was little no one cared about drama or what-not, It barely existed, we were all happy playing cards and racing,”
“No offense, but Grandma, that was about 55 something years ago.  Times were simpler. Back then,”
“Bree, there ain’t any ole difference between now and then. Except now a days you have them gadgets and gizmos,”
“Oh Grandma, I need some cheering up and sympathy not a complaint about the 21st century,”
“Well, did I tell you about the time Gloria Crafton, went up all crazy on your grandmother. It was always Gloria versus Ruth in giving the least care possible.. Those were horrible times. See, me and her were the best of friends and one time we were split apart because of the friendship problems we had because we never helped each other when it really mattered. We always neglected each other when we both need comfort at the worst times possible. You see her mother died and it was hard for her. Was I ever there to help her? No? I was out in the park feeding ducks. We Daltons are a rare type of homo-sapiens. Not exactly rare but there is one thing we all have in common. We always slip up in friendship, but you dear are exactly like your mother in some ways. She was always caring and never lost a single friendship. She kept a close bond to them,”
“How come I’ve never seen pictures of you and Gloria?”
“Because I hid them in the attic, you see when her husband died it left a big ole hole in her heart, an even larger one since she lost me her one and only friend when I told her I wasn’t coming to her wedding. She died 3 days after her husband. I could never withstand the grief,”
“Wow, now before I’ll make you any more sad with you droning off into your bad dreams I’ll make you a batch of nice green tea and let you curl up in a warm blanket flipping through your old photo albums, while sob into your way of a whole box of Kleenex, besides I haven’t been on RealWorld in a while,” I said getting up off the couch and strolled into the kitchen taking out her box of tea leaves and put it in fresh boiled water. I waited for it to mix and then I ran up the stairs and plugged in the power cord of my mac. I went on Safari and then typed in I logged into the website.

Username: shop4abreespree
Password: briannainariz1234


I clicked on the RealWorld link in my KWORLD FAVORITES.

The Virtual World you wish you could live in.
If it’s real, it’s real world.

Status: I just moved into my new vacation house!


Fitness: 67%
Civics: 71%
Health: 93%
Hunger Level: Mildly Hungry.

Since I had customized everything for my RealWorld. I double clicked my Chanel Purse I was carrying and then double clicked the Blackberry. I used my keyboard and punched in taxi. It gave me a list of available taxi’s that were owned by real users. I pressed the fist one owned by kiddfalez. Then, I clicked the door twice and then a yellow taxi came up in front of my house. I opened the door and then I clicked the chat bar.

shop4abreespree: Drive Me To: The Vista Palace In Phoenix, Arizona.

I saw real places in Arizona as I traveled in the taxi and it pulled up in a hangout place where it had restaurants and parks.

Kidfalez: That would be $39.52

I made my avatar look into her purse and pull out a 50 dollar bill. I added him into my Taxi Contact list, then clicked the money and then the taxi driver to give him the money.

shop4abreespree: 10 dollars is your tip. included in the 50 dollar bill. J

I made my character step out of the taxi. Then I spotted Serena, Rebecca and Tiffany. Even though there might have been a confusion in time differences I told everyone to switch into the realtime today so they could fly over to visit me in Arizona because I deeply missed them. And I thought it would be a little to hard for all of us to fly all the way to England while signing up for passports and that stuff since this website was modeled after the real world not like made up things and places. And we couldn’t fly over to Serena and Rebecca online bacause they were in a real Camp Bridgewood and only attendees had access. Arizona seemed like the place to be in virtually because Tiff already had a virtual passport, Serena and Becca had the weekends to relax in the real CBW and the virtual one.

renainthecity: hey girls J
campbeccahwood: ditto J
tiffitlyreal: been 4ev L we were always supposed 2 stay 2gether not be apart L
renainthecity: get real, hey bree y so quiet??????
shop4abreespree: nothing I’m not a brinanna boring. has any of u heard from stephie yet?
campbeccahwood: no not yet LLLLL!!!!!!!!! have u?
renainthecity: I emailed her before --2 hours ago, she said: oh a little fam drama. sry I didn’t tell u bec. 4got till now
tiffitlyreal: huhhhhhhhh K I don’t like it. she’s being all suspicious on us.
shop4abreespree: J if it gets 2  u I should do it more often.
tiffitlyreal: noooo u want 2 torture me? how mean w/ a capital M.
campbeccahwood: GAL

shop4abreespree: GAL? wat???????

campbeccahwood: get a life (GAL)

renainthecity: have any of u seen the new episodes of 10things I h8 about u? it should be called 10 things Rena hates about 10 things I h8 about u.

shop4abreespree: yup <3
campbeccahwood: worst show ever
tiffitlyreal: BEST Best Ever-showing Show on television.

A red head wearing a yellow flower embossed
sundress approached us and sat down in a chair at our table.

flyingpixiedust: reals? kidding Worst worst on-running show on tv. – call me Jackie btw. over looking ur convo.

Then another girl with brown hair with some golden streaks approached us wearing a rainbow colored halter and green shorts.

ukkindagal: it’s Misty and I love watching that show online.
shop4abreespree: fave ep?
ukkindagal: 7 duuuuuuhhhhh!
campbeccahwood: I prefer the movie
renainthecity: I don’t care but if I had 2 choose. movie
tiffitlyreal: wat………… I love both.
flyingpixiedust: at least becca and rena r the haters. I really would’ve h8ted it if I was the only one. add me 2 ur in common friends list.
ukkindagal: meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2222222222
renainthecity: done
campbeccawood: done 20 sec. ago
tiffityreal: there since u agreed mist
shop4abreespree: bad nickname tiff, K
ukkindagal: it’s not bad, but I prefer misty
shop4abreespree: geesh can’t u c. this Is the beginning of a brand new friendship. J  ne ways u will never believe this. stephanie just IMed me and sed -


“Hey, I’m Candace, and you must be Courtney,” A short petite blonde walked over to me and shook my hand “I know because I asked Susan the new coach who my roommate was going to be,”
“You sent me all those e-mails right? because I hope I wasn’t talking to a stranger,”
“Of course I’m not a stranger, technically not anymore since we’ve met face to face and we have to train together, I asked, well, begged for your e-mail. I wanted to get to know you a bit before I actually met you in person. I wanted to have someone decent as my roommate not a stuck up Donna or Laurel or Veronica, or as we common people call them LVD- little vicious divas. They call themselves, DLV. Devine Little Vintage. Like they think they’re the best. They’re good at basketball but they’re divas. If they like fashion so much why do they even bother playing basketball? It’s stupid,”
“I thought there were only two in a cabin, So if people hate her wouldn’t it be difficult for her to be in Cabin 14 right now, since we look at profiles of people we don’t know and choose who we want for a roommate?” I asked taking my duffel and putting it on the bed.
“Donna is the third wheeler, so it’s like Mean Girls, Laurel is like a mini-Regina, Veronica, is Gretchen, and Donna is like Karen. Donna is in Cabin 14 with Claudia Gonzalez.  She’s like the Cady, she’s mean but if you don’t mess with her she’ll shut up about you, for a while. She’s okay, I had her for a roommate last year, And this is your first year right?”
“Well yes,”
“Why didn’t you sign up for the exclusive cabins? Every person in their first year can sign up for one. You get more features. The counselors want you to feel more comfortable, at first,”
I shrugged. Sometimes people couldn’t figure out why I wanted the most normal things. Even when I could get something exclusive, like expensive sport shoes. I just want to live a normal life. It’s a little hard though. Since I’m always getting spoiled by my rich grandfather. But thank goodness I got stuck with regular parents who like to work for money. That’s why we aren’t as rich as Becca, or Rena.


I peered out the window. The Wellington Hotel was packed. I sat patiently on one on the soft plush, rich brown colored, sofa in the lobby. On my left were my parents, Monica and Brian Talen. Talking to what seemed to be the parents of the boy and girl sitting on the couch to my right. I glanced at them. The girl looked at me with a sudden interest. Then whispered into his ear, I only heard fragments of what she was saying,
 “I think – that – you might – consider – meeting before – looking – interest – sister – maybe – family,” She spoke in a voice that was just scarcely the slightest audible.
The girl that looked like his sister, told his maybe brother to move over so she could sit on his left. She turned to me, smiled, and said, “I’m Melissa Farrow, and this is my brother Marcus,” Melissa said showing signs of friendliness. She sported black hair tied around with a yellow hair elastic in a high pony, with orange clips in her hair. She wore a pink Abercrombie hoodie and lilies and her shoes were black flats with a big black flower.
“I can introduce myself Lyssa.  You don’t have to introduce me to everyone you talk to!” Marcus said to her sister.
“Well, you weren’t going to talk to her so, I thought I’d give you a nudge and a favor,” Melissa replied with a little ice in her tone. Marcus suddenly became interested in the leafy plant next to him not daring to see my reaction of what his sister said. He walked up to the line to wait.
 I started to talk to his sister, “I’m Tiffany, Tiffany Talen. Are you two here on vacation like me?”
“Yes, Where are you visiting from?  We’re from Tallahassee, Florida, but after the summer were moving to Miami,”
“That’s where I live, in Miami, Florida I mean. !” My phone began vibrating and my ringtone of Taylor Swift’s Forever and Always, began playing

Once upon a time
I believe it was a Tuesday
When I caught your eye
We caught on something
I hold onto the night
You looked me in the eye
And told you loved me

I took out my phone. There was a text from Danielle.

Danielle: I escaped, grandfather is sleeping rite now. How’s London? c big ben 4 me plz.

I hastily texted back a response before closing my phone.

Tiffany: good 4 u, and of course, I’ll c it 4 u. I’ll use a lot of gb of memory 4 u taking pictures and videos, kay. G2g. don’t wanna b rude to the my neighbor, talking 2 her,

Danielle: I understand. Now I have to baby sit Emily, L. G2G

“Really! That’s so cool. I can’t believe it. That’s so ironic. Anyways you should totally e-mail me,” Melissa told me getting all happy and hyper. “It’s, if you have a KWorld, it’s musicalelissa12. And brace yourself I have something to tell you, your –,”
My cell rang again, It was Brianna. I flipped open my phone and Brianna immediately began blabbing,
“I don’t care what you are doing right now go onto our chatroom ASAP like now. FBBF Code Red – FBBFCR! FBBF Emergency Level 10 – FBBFEL10! Get on right now, Steph and Dani need us! Emergency Comfort Response – ECR Now!” She screamed at me at the top of her lungs talking so fast I could barely understand the codes.
“Okay, on in 5,” I told her snapping my phone shut and ripping out my Acer laptop. And impatiently waiting for it to load. Every one of my BFF’s were there, except Alexia, I frantically clicked my BFF contacts list. I looked at the Online chatrooms they were attending. 

 Status            BFF

ONLINE Brianna Dalton (breeshopspree)
ONLINE Rebecca Summers (imbeccsume3xx)
ONLINE Danielle Brown(Darldanel)
ONLINE Serena Vanderbilt (relolcitybe56)
ONLINE Courtney Larkin (ocourtnballo)

ONLINE Stephanie Rodriguez(stehphrodrixo0) 

ONLINE Trinity Evadson (Moretrinivad34)

OFFLINE Alexia Wilson (3willxistaring3)

Chatooms Online:

FBBF Emergency: 7 users. (See full details)

I clicked the Emergency chatroom and Melissa looked at me if I was crazy, I gave her an apologetic smile. And turned back to my laptop.

Darldanel: grandma Helen is really sick now. I don’t know what I’m going to do I’m in therooom with everyone calling relatives,  aunt ruby, and uncle jack, and my cousins Cicely and……… to come ovr and c gma. srrry my hands are trembliing right tnow. im making so many grammat mistakes.
stephrodrixo0: I just found out I had a brother and my so called mom isn’t my mom, but back to u dani- I hope ur ok. u have it worse than I do L L
ttiffdelicateit: I cant believe alexia isn’t here. I called her. but she won’t pick up it keeps going to voice mail. it sux neways. I really hope she’ll be here, as for the bfc. it’s coming dani and stephie.
relolcitybe56: I really hope it’ll be okay. our counselor Eleanor is probably getting us grounded 4 running out of the woods and back into the hotel.
breeshopspree: g ruth is a little irritated how I almost set her house on fire when I got the call. ooopsiess. btw. it’s fine, alright we’ll always be here 4 u 2 and 4 all our bffs. we’re all family.
ocourtnballo: bffs come first, which means it’ll be ok dani, we’ll pull u through it. as 4 steph, I can’t believe it if u need a shoulder to cry on we’ll be there.- I left in the middle off a game- my team almost won: L now I’m hiding in the bath room trying to tell susan what happened.
imbeccasume3xx:  dani, it’s nothing big, she’ll get better, and steph that was harsh, I  know all you need r ur friends now. we all miss u. 1 did the same thing as rena. except I ran away from paula
Moretrinivad34: ran away from my tutor ROFL u should have seen my mothers face.i told her what happened and she let it go J or not L I’m grounded 4 eternity……….. infinity…………….. but I don’t care because anything for my bffs. it’s crucial we follow the amendments. of our constitution. Amendment I we will always be Bff’s and support each other, always  be there for each other, and do whatever we can to help them
renalolcitybe56: we’re all w/ u dani, were all hoping and praying she’ll recover. stephie we will stick by your side as you question and recover from your news.
ttiffdelicateit: we will all fly back if we have 2 help any of you.
breeshopspree: of course; every1 cept lexi.
ocourtnballo: LIG call her and ask after we give help bffs in need. wat matters most is that we’re here to help.
Darldanel: thxz evry 1. now let’s focis pm stphs problems 2. shes in need. I’m fine for now. thanks 2 all of u
stephrodrixo0: thx dani: but I think its hard I just discovered my real mom is dead and I have a real brother 3 years older that me. w/ the same mother :o my life is a soap opera. Harsh with a capital H. It should be a show on dismay a crappy tween drama, staring Stephanie! It’s like the more dramatized version of Mackenzie falls from Sonny w/ a chance without the word Disney in it
Moretrinivad34: sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy  – can we cover all topics @ the aunt bella blowout every summer bec? cause we will all get busted except tiffany lucky- she’s stuck @ the Wellington, sitting. no one grounding her. oops off topic.
imbeccasume3xx: I might not make it 2 the party. Ur all family. Btww she’s not really my aunt, she’s charlotte’s step mother from my dad’s side and tiffany’s actual aunt on her mom’s side, so me and tiffany are somehow related via marriage. YAY
ocourtnballo: oh ur @ ur aunt celia’s this summer? I just talked 2 bree IMed.. she said she might have to IM trini- it’s confusing but Trini’s uncle is-omg g2g like rite now. bree’s I’m going to talk 2 her, call or e u l8tr every1.
ocourtnballo has signed out
breeshopspree has signed out
imbeccasumexx: that was weird!!!!!!!
ttiffdelicateit: y so quiet steph?
stephrodrixo0: oh just thinking.
Darldanel: I’ll bite – it can be worse than mines. whats wrong?
stephrodrixo0: be a bff and please don’t ask me about it
Darldanel: OK
imbeccasumexx:  did ne1 notice there’s a color pattern going on here????????????????
renalolcitybe56: kinda a pattern
Moretrinivad: omgwe skipped so much comfort! plz forgive us
Darldanel: all is 4given.
stephrodrixo0: yuppppp- talking 2 my bffs r the best. so let’s all head out b4 ne1 gets into more trouble. Bye. Thxxxxxx so much again. Call me.
stephrodrixo0 has signed out
Darldanel: thxxxxx 4 all the sympathy I feel so much better. tiff now that I’m thinking bre might have been very drastic w. the call.
ttiffdelicateit: u think ???????????? she kept screaming code red- and emergency and that stuff. scared the life out of me.
Darldanel: she does what she does to drag in her friends even for the smallest amount of support. she’s our cheerleader remember????????? ne ways, bye and sry 4 the victims of bree’s drastic call. I think she went a bit over board.
Darldanel has signed out.
Moretrinivad has signed out.
renalolcitybe56: bye bffs
tiffdelicateie: byers. Peace out! J
itbeccasumexx has signed out.
ttiffdelicateit has signed out.
renalolcitybe56 has signed out

“I’m sorry Melissa what were you saying,” I looked at her before shutting down my computer.
“Call me Elissa like everyone else, Anyways the realtors told my mom we were buying a house that the Talen’s owned. And well, were moving into a house you own!” She almost screamed.
“You’re the people moving into our home, OMG, I bet you’ll love my friends they are so cool and nice.
“So what room are you staying at?”
“Room 21A,” I responded looking at the reception counter. There was still a long line.
“Get out! I’m staying in 21B,”
“So let’s gossip, Niley or Nelena?” I asked taking out a bag filled with some nail polish and nail polish remover. “What Color?”
‘Nelena all the way, a lot of my old friends were Niley fans, and Spritzy Passion please,” She said analyzing my nail polish.
I handed her the Fuchsia colored bottled and took out Blue Fusion for myself. I laid my left hand out on the side and twisted off the top. and started painting my thumb, “That’s so great, my friends Stephanie, Courtney, Danielle, and Alexia, Well she isn’t exactly my friend anymore, I don’t want to talk about it, are Niley fans. But me, Rebecca, Trini, Brianna, and Serena are 100% Nelena fans,” I told her studying my nails. I took out a file, and began filing my nails.
“Could I have one two? Okay favorite show,” She said putting out her hand so I could give her the file.
“Uh – that’s a hard one. Let me think,” I handed her a teal colored file. “iCarly.”
“You’re lying,” she said taking the file from me. “I don’t judge. She began filing, and blew on her hand for the polish to dry. “My favorite show – and I’m not afraid to admit it is 90210, I’m not even afraid of being called a hypocrite, hating all of the characters and that stuff, but still loving the show.”
“Fine, it’s One Tree Hill. Happy?”
“Yes, but not satisfied,”
“Favorite movie of all time? Mine’s is Another Cinderella Story,” I confided to her now painting my right hand.
“Raise Your Voice for me,” Melissa replied handing me back my file. “Favorite Singer? Hillary Duff for me.” Then she carefully picked up my nail polish and gave it back,
“Demi Lovato,” I replied putting the nail polish and the files back into the bag. I put it into my carry-on suitcase from the airport. All our other bags were delivered straight into our rooms.  My older brother Derek and my little sister Savannah and Marcus walked back from the line handing us each our card keys. We all took our personal belongings and walked inside the elevator. When a we reached the second floor, we went in to our separate rooms. I slid my card and explored all over, I opened a door nearest to the exit/entrance door. I saw Melissa unzipping her suitcases.
“OMG this is so cool. Our room is connected,” I squealed with excitement.
Melissa looked up and screamed, “This is like the best thing ever. No wonder it only goes 19A, 19B, 20, 21A, 22B, 23, 24. I think our parent’s meant to put us together, I mean we’re practically BFF’s now!”
“I know right? I’m going to unpack everything and we can have a mini-sleepover tonight in my room? Except we’ll each be sleeping in our own beds!” I told her walking back into my room and leaving the door open. This vacation was going to be the best. I could feel it. I unzipped a suitcase and started to pile the neatly folded clothes into the closet.

Chapter 3
Q: What happens when you get a new BFF?


    Name                            Subject                          Date
officialselgomezfan   Free download of Falling  6/12/09 1:03PM
Savannah Talen       I now i can nock bt i thi    6/12/09 2:05PM
Rebecca Summers    How is LONfun!               6/12/09 2:12PM

        The first e-mail was from a Selena Gomez fanclub I joined. The second was from my little sister typing with a million grammar mistakes saying she hated sharing a room with my parents, and she just sneezed all over her keyboard. Ewww! She’s been sick for a whole week and she still isn’t better. She better not ruin my vacation. The third e-mail was from someone I’ve never met. I scanned it for viruses. There weren’t any, I clicked the anonymous e-mail open with a lot curiosity. The message filled the screen. I started to read it looking for and clues, to see who it might be.

Subject: How is LonFun?
Date: June 12, 2009 2:12 PM
How is it? I think you landed a few hours ago right? Well, gots to go, update soon!

I simply wrote that I landed and said I’d tweet her later.
Melissa opened the door connecting our rooms and sat down on the sofa. “Parent’s business party in the UK!” she exclaimed.
“Miley Cyrus much?” I asked her ignoring her eye rolling.
“Umm, It sticks to you when you least expect or want it,” Melissa told me giggling nervously.
“I don’t judge,”
She laughed.