Friday, February 25, 2011


a story I will probably never continue ever again. Unless someone miraculously comments :) haha
this whole thing is too much like The Clique, and so I just scrapped the idea. I wrote this over the most recent summer, starting on the last day of school :)

Climbing Down The Structure
Chapter, and the only chapter 1: Climbing Down A Few Rungs

The last day of school fluttered along the halls of Charterton Academy. Banners outlined the bulletin boards, and so did final notices for the end of the school year, school bash. But of course, anyone who was anyone would drop in, in an amazing outfit to WOW the other rich and elite. The rest of us students would just saunter to our friends' parties and attending the school bash in desperation. Where I stand? In the rich and elite. I'm not a snob, and I don't stand in a condescending manner. Not! But, I am totally rich. And with wealth, comes serious social benefits. I'm popular, and people envy me. That means I'm part of The Clique. We're too awesome to even be called anything. The Clique, describes it all. Now we aren't a knockoff of the Pretty Committee. No … We take being evil to a whole new level. I'm obviously the leader, with 4 other girls trailing behind me. Sophie (Soph), Laurie (Laur), Mikayla (Kayla), and Kaitlyn (Katie ; and Kate by moi). But Katie is on the verge of betraying us because she's trying to climb down a rung in the social ladder. So I painted her a picture. CA is on top of the highest cliff in the world. And it's a million feet above ground. And there's a really prestigious ladder you climb up to it. Now if you try to climb down, you fall down into the ocean, because you used to be so high. That's as easy as it could possibly get.
“So. The school bash is at 5. Comin?” Mikayla, my second in command asked me at Lunch. Lunch. The one fraction of my schedule I despised next to U.S History. I only even like Gym because it rid me of the calories I consumed during Lunch.
“Most def. Do you think we could style at your place? I'd hate to touch my newly bought make-up. It isn't cheap you know.” My Chloe perfume wavered in the air as I flicked my naturally silky smooth hair.
“Affirmative. I went with her to buy it. A bag of Sophora cosmetics are in my locker room. Want me to get them? It beats Laurie's Covergirl.” Sophie said. For some weird reason she always called Sephora, Sophora. She loves that store as much as her own name. And I thought she love school more, since she's the 'smart' one. Smartly patheitic that is.
“Hey!!! Covergirl offers good stuff.” Laurie rushed to her own defense.
“Puh-lease, only people like Erica Woodlock would buy it. I mean she isn't even that rich. I heard she's on half scholarship. Pathetic!!” And that's how Mikayla started our usual Gossip 'Round discussion.
You know the other day, I heard that Rachel McCartney isn't coming here next year. Her mom found out that she failed her singing course with a 97. Her mom expected a 100. So she's getting displaced to Charterton Public School. Apparently her mom was like and I quote, “Well you weren't good enough. So you're only bright future lies in education. I won't be paying for you to enjoy such a luxury school. And you don't even have a scholarship application ready to this school because you have no talent!” Katie said giving information on her friend. She was probably sullen on the inside and desperate to reveal some gossip in order to stay in The Clique. Not like what she told us was gossip anyways.
I smiled at her attempt at becoming a gossip queen smugly. “Wow. Thank for telling us, Kate. That's so awesome to know,” I cocked my head a bit and retrieved a compact from my purse along with this Benefit lipstick. I applied an extra coat, and smiled wickedly.
Suddenly, the room rang with a voice announcement from a teacher, or a student trying to sound like an uptight teacher. “Hello students of Charterton Academy! I hope you are enjoying your last day. The last day of school, school party starts at 5. Tickets sold at the event. Hope to see all of you tonight at 5. Have a great rest of your day,” and the teacher's annoying speech ended with a click.

I drummed my perfectly manicured nails onto the desk. It was U.S. History. My last class before school finally ended and summer commenced. Why did I even take this class this year?
“Let's do some trivia! We'll split into teams and whoevers' team wins gets extra credit on their summer assignment,” Mr. Syrcross set some program up on the SKoard and divided the class into 2 teams. Team one was the left side of the class, Team two was the right side. How original. “Name 3 important World War II Veterans.”
Some nerd's hand shot up the second Mr. Syrcross said Vet-. And then the nerd answered the question correctly.
“Yes!” Mr. Sycross wrote a graceful 1 on the screen of the board.
“Wow,” I said. “Talk about a kiss-up”
“Ms. Talen would you like to escort yourself out of class?” Mr. Sycross asked.
“No. I find this -” I waved my hand around the classroom, stopping in the direction of the nerd. “Very productive.
“I'm glad you think that on the last day of school. Now I suggest you direct your focus this way,” Mr. Sycross said.
“Gladly,” I said fakely.
“Cough.” Erica Woodlock made a coughing noise.
“Settle down. Next question goes to – and only - Ms. Woodlock and her excessive need of cough medicine,”
“Not funny,” I commented.
“That isn't either Ms. Talen. Would you like to pursue a career in sarcasm? I'm sure there's a college for that. Perhaps,” Mr. Sycross answered me.
I smiled. “No need. I've already mastered it. But maybe you could use a course in that. One or two, or maybe a lifetime's worth. Who knows,” I cocked a smile.
Erica snickered. Like really?
“Would you like detention Ms. Talen? I'm sure that it being the last day of school hasn't affected your morals that severely, have they?” He inquired.
“Which ones?” I asked.
Mr. Sycross took a deep breath. He apparently didn't want to deal with this right now. “Ms. Woodson, who was the first president of the United States, how many terms did he serve and why?”
Erica bit her lip. “George Washington for 4 terms?”
“This is a prestigious school people. If you don't think you can keep up with the work, I suggest to your parents and those on scholarship to remove you from Charterton,” Mr. Syrcors shook his head. He nodded in the direction of the nerd.
“George Washington, 2 terms because he believed others deserved a chance in serving for the U.S.” He said in his usual know-it-all tone.  

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