Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cuz Baby You're a Shining Star

I'm going to say this, as nicely as possibly to myself. I should be doing homework. I will turn to the PDF and away from Word and stop typing this. I just typed this in like the last 20 minutes out of boredom.... Yipppe. If you like it, comment. If you don't, well don't. 

the endless
Stars Aren’t a Part of Reality

Invitation network is churning out stars faster than Disney ever did” the headline read.
“What is with Invitation Media network? Everything about it sounds so fake. They have a slew of new TV shows for the summer and fall. Where do they even get the money and time for this? You should see the May sweeps this year. They’re all about the new shows in invitation. It’s like the new CW meets Glee,” I stated as I scanned through the article in my Invite magazine subscription (a totally different association from Invitation Media network, but also division of the same Enterprise). “Haley, you have to read this,” I scoffed as I handed her the magazine.

“An Invitation to New Shows” by Brenda Marks
Invitation Network has two new shows, as of now, slated for a June release. They will cover Invitation’s new summer programming, cryptically called “Summer of Scandal”.
 Never Been Here is the show Invitation Media is pushing for and crazy-promoting. It circles around Aaron Eastwood (portrayed by Invitation newbie Melissa Hanks) as a tomboy girl who finds herself thrust in a world of glamour when her family moves to L.A. to star in a reality show about the struggles of a typical family life. A short promo has just premiered on Invitation’s website and has been going viral around YouTube. The clip seems enticing, featuring a humorous narrative showing off Melissa’s ability to do comedy (Melissa’s previous TV and Movie credits have laid with short cameos in CSI and horror flicks). “As if some miracle for the rugby team on the opposing side happened, my family got a reality TV show. I mean, whose family does that? A reality show?” Just 45 seconds long, the promo gives a glance at the sure to be summer hit Never Been Here. We aren’t sure where the scandal ensues on this show, but we’re almost too sure that tomboy Aaron will clash with some reality TV prissies during her Hollywood tour. Never Been Here will air Monday, June 19th at 8/7 central with new episodes every week until August.
The Secrets in Months is another show produced by Invitation Media, a TV adaptation of Robin Brinkley’s The Secrets of April, May, and June. If you haven’t read the book, we almost too strongly suggest you do so. Not much more is known about the show just yet, but a slew of information will be given at the Invitation press conference tomorrow.

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