Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cuz Baby You're a Shining Star

I'm going to say this, as nicely as possibly to myself. I should be doing homework. I will turn to the PDF and away from Word and stop typing this. I just typed this in like the last 20 minutes out of boredom.... Yipppe. If you like it, comment. If you don't, well don't. 

the endless
Stars Aren’t a Part of Reality

Invitation network is churning out stars faster than Disney ever did” the headline read.
“What is with Invitation Media network? Everything about it sounds so fake. They have a slew of new TV shows for the summer and fall. Where do they even get the money and time for this? You should see the May sweeps this year. They’re all about the new shows in invitation. It’s like the new CW meets Glee,” I stated as I scanned through the article in my Invite magazine subscription (a totally different association from Invitation Media network, but also division of the same Enterprise). “Haley, you have to read this,” I scoffed as I handed her the magazine.

“An Invitation to New Shows” by Brenda Marks
Invitation Network has two new shows, as of now, slated for a June release. They will cover Invitation’s new summer programming, cryptically called “Summer of Scandal”.
 Never Been Here is the show Invitation Media is pushing for and crazy-promoting. It circles around Aaron Eastwood (portrayed by Invitation newbie Melissa Hanks) as a tomboy girl who finds herself thrust in a world of glamour when her family moves to L.A. to star in a reality show about the struggles of a typical family life. A short promo has just premiered on Invitation’s website and has been going viral around YouTube. The clip seems enticing, featuring a humorous narrative showing off Melissa’s ability to do comedy (Melissa’s previous TV and Movie credits have laid with short cameos in CSI and horror flicks). “As if some miracle for the rugby team on the opposing side happened, my family got a reality TV show. I mean, whose family does that? A reality show?” Just 45 seconds long, the promo gives a glance at the sure to be summer hit Never Been Here. We aren’t sure where the scandal ensues on this show, but we’re almost too sure that tomboy Aaron will clash with some reality TV prissies during her Hollywood tour. Never Been Here will air Monday, June 19th at 8/7 central with new episodes every week until August.
The Secrets in Months is another show produced by Invitation Media, a TV adaptation of Robin Brinkley’s The Secrets of April, May, and June. If you haven’t read the book, we almost too strongly suggest you do so. Not much more is known about the show just yet, but a slew of information will be given at the Invitation press conference tomorrow.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

the essential death

I really should be cramming for my foreign language test tomorrow. Well, I'm not. I have no idea about this story. It popped up into my head. I came up with names. Oh yay, we have a few lines of dialog and a weird and ambiguous opening paragraph.
Now time for ever boring premises of the story. the girl might be a vampire. she might be a normal teenage girl. maybe a girl that was kidnapped? She could be the sparkling tooth fairy held captive for all I know. If you've bothered to read my other stories, you know that my opening are confusing and just plain open ended. Like a suckish opening cliffhanger in a way?
Oh, and I know this is flooded with sentence fragments. Yays!
The whole random thing about Bryce and Blythe, something dumb that came up in my head. And no, before you call me one of the most predictable wannabe authoresses out there, Blythe did not kill Bryce. One of the things I hate being is predictable. Especially when story writing. So this story might not make any sense to you, and  I should probably be studying instead of typing this intro you're probably going to skip, and just study for my test. Wow, there are a lot of run-ons and fragments in this stupid thing. Well, nonetheless, onto the story-ish:
the essential death

(random A/N: Wow I come up with weird philosophical and depressing titles for my stories)

There was a thick tension in the air; something you couldn’t penetrate. The air was like a wall standing before them, but just there. One could find it hard to breathe in such a place, as the air held words of malice, strung into something so essential for life. But that something so essential can kill you.

          “A small price to pay for a favor, Sophorina,” He tapped this finger against the chair, every period between seeming like another era.

          “What can you possibly do?”The words stated, dutifully.
          “There is one thing,” He looked up, revealing calm, yet eerie eyes, eyes that scared you to whim. The kind of eyes that can kill you. The kind of eyes about to kill you. “Kill him.” Those words were said lightly, perhaps nonchalantly, but they tortured 
a person until the last syllable was said and done.

~Chapter One~
“We are all here today to mourn the death of Bryce Kenward. We are all deeply saddened by this death. May he rest in peace,”

Blythe’s hat covered most of her face, an egotistic smirk placed onto it. So he was really dead? She removed her gloves and made her way to the casket.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thruths and Dares: Writing this was like a failed dare to myself

Truth or Dare? 
This game played by so many can also be so dangerous. I never like the game myself - it was overrated and predictable. 
So writing this - no reading this is hilarious. It's like a twisted love thingy that glee uses way too often. And so, let the wincing and eye rolling commence: Do you dare to read it?

Popcorn spilled everywhere. Pillows were scattered. Phones were in hands. Texts were connected from one phone to the other.

Janelle: yea. Sure.. wanna crash the sleep ova?
Alex: mayb. Matt mite com
Janelle: uh-huh.. erica n lucia wants 2 play truth or dare. Wat do u think?
Alex: do u want eric 2 com?
Janelle: who's wit u rite now
Alex: matt, eric, jas, derek, marc, steve. drew
Janelle: ya.. jus take them 2 e's.
Alex: parents?
Janelle: out... where like 12.. no duh.. bsides, melly and jare r here. So's most of the teens. The r babysittin us.
Alex: c u in a few

“They're coming,” Janelle announced.
“Awesome” Tiff held out a poland spring bottle. “Remeber nothing disgusting. A.K.A PG13. Though not too G. Don't make one of the teens to come and monitor,”
“So should we get another bag of popcorn going? Extra butter and sweet?” Erica inquired.
“Go ahead. Plug in your iPod Rebecca. Truth or Dare playlist.” Janelle said. The doorbell rang.
“Could you get that Serena?” Tiffay said and set the bottle in the middle of the short table that was surrounded by level beanbags.
Serena walked into the hall. Erica came in with a few more bowls of popcorn. Alex, Matt, Eric, Jason, and Derek came in. The seating chart, was placed in no suggestive order. But as you people know, henious love triangles, (or squares) are in existence in high school. It's even harder when friendship and secrets linger.


Love Shapes (Hexagons, Pentagons, Squares, Triangles):

Alex and Janelle are '<3'
Eric 'likes' Janelle.
Lucia 'likes' Eric
Eric 'somewhat likes' Lucia
Lucia is 'best friends' with Erica
Erica are Eric's 'siblings/twins'
Erica 'appears' to have a crush on Bryant
Bryant is 'best friends' with Eric
Rebecca and Andrew 'like no one'
Marcus and Tiffany are '<3'
Melissa and Marcus are 'siblings'
Melissa likes Andrew
Andrew is long time best friends with Serena
Serena has dated everyone but Derek and Andrew
Derek likes Melissa

Friday, February 25, 2011

Costumes&Masquerades& and my fun poking fun at gossip girl (1.06)

Yet another unfinished story  (gasp). How many of these do you have? Well, I have like a folder filled with them. I'll reveal the name of the folder later, when I feel like it.
So the whole title was gossip girl inspired, think 1.06, The Handmaidens Tale. The girl, Serena, is like a mirroring image of Jenny, despite the name.
Oh, and by the way, this was supposed to be in my, the endless, but the title and concept was just scrapped.
so anyways, 


“Thank you Arnold,” I slammed the door and walked through the gates of Atlantic Creek Academy. Taking a step through the doors of the school, I ran my hand through my pure brown hair. There was a roundish counter with a bunch of high school looking people. I approached a blonde haired girl with a name tag that said Melody Woods sitting at the right edge of the counter.
“Could you please tell me where 6th grade orienta-,” Melody cut me off.
“Through those double doors make a left then a right. Go in to room 107 and talk to a teacher sitting at a table. They'll give you all the information you need. If you still have any trouble navigating for the first few days you can talk to a teacher or check the SPIM,” She pointed to a set of double doors on her left and turned to a miniature version of her.
Walking slowly I turned right then left, or was it left then right? Somehow I ended up near room 117, the hospital, aka, nurses office. I went inside hoping for some help. Instead I saw a girl with a drenched pale face and a bloody bandages. When I say bloody, I mean bloody. Not red marker drawn all over the sling. I mean real type B blood.
“Um how do I get to room 107?” I asked looking at the tiled floor. Blood made me a little nauseous
“Walk down the hall make your way to the front counter and then make a left then a right,” Nurse Sephal told me unwinding the girl's bandages. I thanked her and walked out. It was going to be a long day.

At lunch I grabbed my tray with a salad and smoothie and went into a divided section. Yes this school has individual separated lunchrooms. I went into the section that said, Room 4 : Twilight Lounge, It's the sunset theme, not the successful book or movie. I sat down in a deep orange colored booth. I took out my phone and began texting like the girls in surrounding booths.

Bridget: Hey Carrie u there?
Carrie: uh-huh. I'm sneaking my phone during science.
Bridget: nice
Carrie: thx, so what's up?
Bridget: New skool. Thats whats up.
Carrie: Ouch. G2g sci teacher coming my way.
Bridget: text u l8r

“Hello do you mind if I sit here?” The girl with bandages from this morning was standing in front of me and her one good hand holding her unbalanced tray.
“Sure, I'm Bridget,” She sat down on the opposite side of me.
“Kaitlyn,” She responded picking up her milk.
“So, Kaitlyn, do you know anyone here?” I said trying to make some conversion.
“Other than you, my friends, everyone from my old school, the nurse, a teacher, and some high schooler in the front counter, then yes.” She smiled warmly “Oh and you might be wondering why I was wearing bandaged smeared with blood. You see I'm a total klutz so this morning on the steps I tripped and I hit my arm against a sharp edge and some glass, and well here's a bloody arm,” Kailtyn laughed. She seemed the kind of person that was happy and bubbly all the time.
“Well I was wondering that. I just didn't want to prod the question,” I returned her laugh and took a bite out of my salad.
“Hmm. You got an answer anyway whether you wanted to or not!” Kaitlyn seemed fearless. She said things with such strength and no strain of worry in every enunciated word. “So do you know anyone here?”
“I just moved down here from NYC,”
“Interesting,” She smiled. A petite red haired girl walked past us. “Laurie meet Bridget, Bridget meet my friend Laurie,”
“Hiya! I'm Laurie, Laurie Elaine Crimson. Its so nice to meet ya. This school has so many peope. Gosh IDK how I'm ever going to meet everyone. Oh well I already now half the school, in half a school day. Katie, look its the posse, or the clique,” She gestured to 3 girls making their way over. One brunnete, another red head, and a blonde.
“You're sitting in my seat,” The brunnete told me flicking her black nail polished finger.
“You know Mikayla you can ask. Nicely!” Laurie retorted back at Mikayla.
“Yes Laurie. We could've asked, but we didn't,” The blonde girl said.
“Serena, please, I wasn't talking to you nobody would ever talk to you of course,” Laurie smiled, knowing her comeback would hit her.
“You don't ever talk to anybody like that,” The read head spoke after a while of just standing there, arms crossed.
“Sophie, just stand there and don't talk,” Laurie reprimanded
Mikayla gasped. I was guessing she was the leader. “What ev, come on girls lets go into another room,”
Laurie took out her phone and began texting. I peered over her phone.
laurie56xoc: leaving so soon?
sophiesticated: w/e. Stay out of my life, and don't tell anyone what happened to Rena.
laurie56xoc: I'm not that evil. I'm not that stupid. Ill think about it. Just so you know Katie is the last thing on the planet that would give you a bloody cast
sophiesticated: I wouldn't be so sure about that. :)
laurie56xoc: me either. R u sure I wont tell?
sophiesticated: ill make sure of it personally.
“What was that?” I asked wanting to get a perfectly formulated answer.

A Nelena (gasp) Love Story

People tell me that I"m very sarcastic. I hope I am, because I want that as a life-achievement.
So anyways, I wrote this Nelena (gasp) love story because I had this font that I loved. (Yes, fonts inspire stories, well more like the names of them and how they look)
So how I came up with this story idea, I have no freaking idea. But, just to clear things up, half of it was to acknowledge the awesomeness of Harry Potter and the Salvatores, and the other half was poking fun at the Nelena love stories on YouTube (cough - I never read one for the record)
Just so you know, I write a lot of YA, because I don't feel like writing that sappy and powerful, poignant, and tear-driving adult stuff. 
hence, we have

(PS: For those of you oblivious, Nelena is Nick&Selena. I used to ship them, but now all the Jonas Brothers are (insert unpleasant word)

a magic little star

~ the story about a girl, her dreams, & what she’ll do to accomplish them~

Melanie Brookwoods loves 4 things. Harry Potter. Nick Jonas. Selena Gomez. & of course Nelena. She believes in them.
~Set like a script/play, but it isn’t~

Prologue(ish): a little idea via. IM

Melanie- foreverNnelena
Cynthia (her bff)- CynthiaWesley

foreverNnelena- Don’t you miss the days when Nelena was still together?
CynthiaPWesley- Umm. Sure. Aren’t you a bit too addicted to them? Your whole room is a mix of Nick and Sel stuff.
foreverNnelena- Your joking right? Nelena is life. Ur a fan too u know
CynthiaPWesley- I know, but can’t u ship sth mor worthwile? lyke me & paul wesley?
foreverNnelena- lyke that’s eva gunna happen. Nelena has a chance. y’d they even break up, I have 0 idea.
CynthiaPWesley- ur mean. cuz me & paul have the same last name, we’re destined to be w. each otha.
foreverNnelena- & u neglected 2 think about the 10+ yr age diff?
CynthiaPWesley- hmph. I refuse to respond. @ least I didn’t write a song bout him,, talking about how I hated changing for him or w/e
foreverNnelena- That has yet 2 b proven tru. Nelena has a chance as long as Miley keeps out and Nick & Sel r alive.
CynthiaPWesley- Good luck with ur mission of keeping Nelena together.
foreverNnelena- It will happen.
CythiaRWesley- dream on.
foreverNnelena- u dream on about paul Wesley. I’m dedicating this summer 2 do w/e it takes 2 bring Nelena back together.
CynthiaPWesley- & how is that.
foreverNnelena- Just wait. This summer, my fam & I r visiting my aunt in LA. Just wait & it’ll happen... as long as i’m pulling the strings.
CynthiaPWesley- w.e u say.

foreverNnelena- u just wait ;)

Chapter 1- a little plan via genius

[ MM ] Melanie’s Mom- Are you kidding me? All the Harry Potter books? You can’t bring all of them.
Melanie- Why not?
MM- It a matter of whether or not you can pay for the extra costs of excess weight in our luggage?
Melanie- I’ll take out some clothes.
MM- That’s your solution? We’re staying with Aunt Haley for the entire summer. You should take a majority of your summer clothes.
Melanie- But, your not letting me take my Nelena notebooks either. Can’t I have one thing actually important to me other than my laptop and phone?
MM- Your cousin Miranda will probably have the books too. It’s a famous book series you know.
Melanie- But I won’t be able to write and take notes in the margins or anything. PLEASE?
MM- No. That’s final. You can either sacrifice your laptop, or the books.
Melanie- But you know I need my laptop for my Nelena Blog and fanfiction.
MM- What’s with you and that couple??? They’re celebrities Mel. Who knows if their relationship was even just a publicity stunt. Don’t get so worked up over it.
Melanie- Why are you so against Nelena?
MM- You’re taking your SATs next year. You need to study and focus. You can’t get caught in all your Nelena mish-mosh.
Melanie- You can do this to me.
MM- I know what’s best for you.
Melanie- No, you don’t.
MM- Keep packing. We’ll talk about this later. Now isn’t the time.
Melanie- Fine. I’m taking the books.
MM- No you aren’t. When will you understand that. You need to take a break from everything. (Scoops up all of Melanie’s Harry Potter books). Bring extra tank tops. (& leaves the room)
Melanie- (Groans and turns on her laptop and types the web address to her blog: forevernnelena.bloggit.com. Starts feverishly typing a new post, mumbling the words as she goes) Today is an unfair day. In my covert trip to LA, not so covert anymore, my mom won’t let me bring my HP books. Annoying much? But in the bright part, my aunt is getting married to this big Hollywood producer who happens to know Nick Jonas. Let’s just see what happens when I beg him to meet Nick. Will liveblog then, don’t worry. Fingers crossed Nelena fans, I’m one step closer in bringing them together, and find out why they broke up in the first place. In Nelena News today: Someone spotted Selena talking on her phone and saying Nick once. Ooh. We’ll have our Nelena Table talk about that later. Stay tuned for more Nelena gossip. xoxo foreverNnelena (She presses post and sees a comment a moment later. She reads the comment aloud, its from one of her affilates) Nirandalena: NelenaTable later? That’d be nice. I doubt she was talking about Nick though. We’ll discuss later. Have some important new Nelena news to post now. xox.Nirandalena.
(IM pops up from Nirandalena)

Nirandalena- When is the NelenaTable happening?
foreverNnelena- idk....... since when do you IM me fellow nelenaer?”
Nirandalena- I’m ur soon 2 be cuz... duh?
foreverNnelena- ur dad is the one that marrying meh aunt?
Nirandalena- who else. didn’t ur mom say that ur soon 2 be cuz’s name was Miranda? pic togetha the pieces.
foreverNnelena- Can u get him to get an interview w. Nick J?
Nirandalena- I tried. u can try once u come. its nawt ez.
foreverNnelena- I can be very persuasive. fake crying :’(
Nirandalena- ingenious
foreverNnelena- would u happen 2 have H P books?
Nirandalena- ur mom made my soon 2 b mom order the spec edition of them here.
foreverNnelena- yay ;)
Nirandalena- yup. it comes with edible potion making stuff, a cauldron, a fake wand and that stuff.... I got a pack 2 of course. H P 4 life
foreverNnelena- I think ur becoming the best cuz ive eva had.
Nirandalena- :) ssame her fellow nelenaer
foreverNnelena- same here.
Nirandalena- gotta go. xox.

too cliche for words

You know, I  think I'll make this a page, if not for the fact that doing the constant footnotes is insanely annoying.Writing them is like reading them, (Annoying). You know what, I should have done parentheses like I usually do in my wannabe YA fiction.
 I make really stupid references. Be warned.Like really stupid references. Things that don't even make sense. like really. It's my inner anti-fan-girl
Oh yes, if you comment on how retarded this is, well, this is tv for ya. But I actually really enojoyed writing this. It's like my ultimate Degrassi-Glee-GossipGirl-90210-DisneyChannel-Nick-MakingFunOfTV-ETC TV Shows. You know, I think I'll continue this with new ideas. Just scrapping the footnotes portion :) 
Oh yeah, I got as far as summing up the first two characters, haha. Comment if you like it, don't if you, well, don't.

(insert another cliche title here)

~ filled with all those horrific cliche and predictable plots ~

Prologue (or whatever)- An introductory Cliche

 (A/N Don’t comment on how stupid it is. It’s supposed to be stupid. It’s those cliche tv show things I predict correctly the moment I see them. So it’ll be a blend of jokes about, well everything. Twilight, Harry Potter, Mean Girls, High School Musicl, Gossip Girl, iCarly, Hannah Montana, and the list keeps going. I’d rather not type etc at the end of that list. thank you, and enjoy, laugh, and realize how today’s society is crazy because of these things.)

 (A/N2 There will be pop culture, gosh I hate that word – Pop  Culture. Never mind, Modern TV, Book, Movie references. I will have a number in [] bold to represent it. I’ll have a list on the bottom. I don’t feel like doing footnotes.)

Disclaimer: I do not own or have an affiliation with the following brands, TV shows, books, nor movies. This is for purely my entertainment and for those people who feel like reading this. I do not claim any ownership of any kind.

A Funnier Disclaimer if you don’t feel like being serious (examples of what I’m doing without the plot blends. And it makes no sense)-

My Evil Stupid Predictable Plotlines Separated At Birth, I didn’t meet until writing this Twin: OMG. I have to own like Edward Cullen. Have you seen him sparkle. OMFGG. Twi-Hards for lyke EVAAA.
Me the serious and mocking and cynical (yay. the world needs more cynics) one: You don’t own him.
Stupid Twin: SAY WHAT?
Me (the awesome cynic. just kidding about the awesome part. or am I? I don’t have much of an ego, don’t worry. teehee. okay that wasn’t funny. on with the dialogue):  You don’t. It belongs to the crappy writer Stephenie MyLifeDependsOnWritingAboutASadDepressedGirlThatCan’tDecideOnWhetherSheWantsToDateASparklyBadHairedVampireOrAHotShirtlessWolf. Which isn’t a tough decision by the way.
Stupid Edward Loving Twin: Oh shut up. You must be Team Jacob.
Me: What if I am???
Stupid Twin comes running after me with a chainsaw: TAKE THAT BACK!!!  EDWARD OWNS!!!! PWNS!! He can kill Jacob any freaking day!
Me: you don’t own twilight. period. nor anything else we’re going to mention now. (points to screen)
Stupid Twin that still can’t believe she doesn’t own Edward and is now plotting to kill Bella and kidnap Edward: (realizes she’s on screen) We don’t own any of this stuff. Bella Marie Swan, not Cullen! I’m Mrs.Cullen (smiles somewhat sweetly) if your watching this (holds up chainsaw) Your dead. After my little Jacob loving twin here is taken care of. And yes you can take Jacob instead. Edward will be great after the rebound :) [1]
Me: Say what!!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! (Twin holds up chainsaw)
I don’t own anything. period... enjoy :)

School: Constance McKinley Community School [2]

6 Main Characters (+ Side Characters Next Post):

1)   Rachel Blair Munro [3](but oh so wants to add Hudson to it) [4] A talented singer, a bitch that wants to rule the school, and very emotional. And she’d love for Daniel to ask her out some day. Issues much? [5]
2)   Daniel Nathan Hudson [6] A potato, athlete, and also a talented singer who hates to admit it. [7] Oh and he really likes Rachel, but then he has a kid with his ex-gf turned to current gf via his Facebook Relationship Status.[8]

References UNDER


a story I will probably never continue ever again. Unless someone miraculously comments :) haha
this whole thing is too much like The Clique, and so I just scrapped the idea. I wrote this over the most recent summer, starting on the last day of school :)

Climbing Down The Structure
Chapter, and the only chapter 1: Climbing Down A Few Rungs

The last day of school fluttered along the halls of Charterton Academy. Banners outlined the bulletin boards, and so did final notices for the end of the school year, school bash. But of course, anyone who was anyone would drop in, in an amazing outfit to WOW the other rich and elite. The rest of us students would just saunter to our friends' parties and attending the school bash in desperation. Where I stand? In the rich and elite. I'm not a snob, and I don't stand in a condescending manner. Not! But, I am totally rich. And with wealth, comes serious social benefits. I'm popular, and people envy me. That means I'm part of The Clique. We're too awesome to even be called anything. The Clique, describes it all. Now we aren't a knockoff of the Pretty Committee. No … We take being evil to a whole new level. I'm obviously the leader, with 4 other girls trailing behind me. Sophie (Soph), Laurie (Laur), Mikayla (Kayla), and Kaitlyn (Katie ; and Kate by moi). But Katie is on the verge of betraying us because she's trying to climb down a rung in the social ladder. So I painted her a picture. CA is on top of the highest cliff in the world. And it's a million feet above ground. And there's a really prestigious ladder you climb up to it. Now if you try to climb down, you fall down into the ocean, because you used to be so high. That's as easy as it could possibly get.
“So. The school bash is at 5. Comin?” Mikayla, my second in command asked me at Lunch. Lunch. The one fraction of my schedule I despised next to U.S History. I only even like Gym because it rid me of the calories I consumed during Lunch.
“Most def. Do you think we could style at your place? I'd hate to touch my newly bought make-up. It isn't cheap you know.” My Chloe perfume wavered in the air as I flicked my naturally silky smooth hair.
“Affirmative. I went with her to buy it. A bag of Sophora cosmetics are in my locker room. Want me to get them? It beats Laurie's Covergirl.” Sophie said. For some weird reason she always called Sephora, Sophora. She loves that store as much as her own name. And I thought she love school more, since she's the 'smart' one. Smartly patheitic that is.
“Hey!!! Covergirl offers good stuff.” Laurie rushed to her own defense.
“Puh-lease, only people like Erica Woodlock would buy it. I mean she isn't even that rich. I heard she's on half scholarship. Pathetic!!” And that's how Mikayla started our usual Gossip 'Round discussion.
You know the other day, I heard that Rachel McCartney isn't coming here next year. Her mom found out that she failed her singing course with a 97. Her mom expected a 100. So she's getting displaced to Charterton Public School. Apparently her mom was like and I quote, “Well you weren't good enough. So you're only bright future lies in education. I won't be paying for you to enjoy such a luxury school. And you don't even have a scholarship application ready to this school because you have no talent!” Katie said giving information on her friend. She was probably sullen on the inside and desperate to reveal some gossip in order to stay in The Clique. Not like what she told us was gossip anyways.
I smiled at her attempt at becoming a gossip queen smugly. “Wow. Thank for telling us, Kate. That's so awesome to know,” I cocked my head a bit and retrieved a compact from my purse along with this Benefit lipstick. I applied an extra coat, and smiled wickedly.
Suddenly, the room rang with a voice announcement from a teacher, or a student trying to sound like an uptight teacher. “Hello students of Charterton Academy! I hope you are enjoying your last day. The last day of school, school party starts at 5. Tickets sold at the event. Hope to see all of you tonight at 5. Have a great rest of your day,” and the teacher's annoying speech ended with a click.

I drummed my perfectly manicured nails onto the desk. It was U.S. History. My last class before school finally ended and summer commenced. Why did I even take this class this year?
“Let's do some trivia! We'll split into teams and whoevers' team wins gets extra credit on their summer assignment,” Mr. Syrcross set some program up on the SKoard and divided the class into 2 teams. Team one was the left side of the class, Team two was the right side. How original. “Name 3 important World War II Veterans.”
Some nerd's hand shot up the second Mr. Syrcross said Vet-. And then the nerd answered the question correctly.
“Yes!” Mr. Sycross wrote a graceful 1 on the screen of the board.
“Wow,” I said. “Talk about a kiss-up”
“Ms. Talen would you like to escort yourself out of class?” Mr. Sycross asked.
“No. I find this -” I waved my hand around the classroom, stopping in the direction of the nerd. “Very productive.
“I'm glad you think that on the last day of school. Now I suggest you direct your focus this way,” Mr. Sycross said.
“Gladly,” I said fakely.
“Cough.” Erica Woodlock made a coughing noise.
“Settle down. Next question goes to – and only - Ms. Woodlock and her excessive need of cough medicine,”
“Not funny,” I commented.
“That isn't either Ms. Talen. Would you like to pursue a career in sarcasm? I'm sure there's a college for that. Perhaps,” Mr. Sycross answered me.
I smiled. “No need. I've already mastered it. But maybe you could use a course in that. One or two, or maybe a lifetime's worth. Who knows,” I cocked a smile.
Erica snickered. Like really?
“Would you like detention Ms. Talen? I'm sure that it being the last day of school hasn't affected your morals that severely, have they?” He inquired.
“Which ones?” I asked.
Mr. Sycross took a deep breath. He apparently didn't want to deal with this right now. “Ms. Woodson, who was the first president of the United States, how many terms did he serve and why?”
Erica bit her lip. “George Washington for 4 terms?”
“This is a prestigious school people. If you don't think you can keep up with the work, I suggest to your parents and those on scholarship to remove you from Charterton,” Mr. Syrcors shook his head. He nodded in the direction of the nerd.
“George Washington, 2 terms because he believed others deserved a chance in serving for the U.S.” He said in his usual know-it-all tone.  

the forever story

stories can be told in so many ways.

paintings, dance, song, art, movies....

I choose to write. 
and so begins
a forever story

Stories, drabbles, and everything consisting of my creative writing.

Stories that will be continued are going in the "pages" section
and random things will be posted on the main blog page.

It's story that goes on forever, and is never finished.